October's Free Wedding Stuff
I'm sorry it has been a while since the last Free Wedding Stuff landed in your Inbox, and there really is no excuse apart from it has been a bit mad busy over the last few months with lots of weddings, plus the free wedding stuff wasn't so great. The good news is there are some great freebies this month, Yay!
Starting with a new magazine launch and I know we all love to have a good look at all of the latest wedding magazines so here is the chance to grab yourself a free copy of Get Married.
For those of you looking for your wedding makeup or gifts for your bridesmaids or a treat for yourself,
Another gift idea could be this great FREE Sterling Silver Necklace with any purchase over $25 USD at StrawberryNET! New customers only They have different gifts depending on which country you are having your order delivered to, and there are lots of savings on cosmetics and perfumes.
Vista Print is offering 30 FREE Wedding Save-the-Dates plus Wedding Invitations 20% Off & Free Shipping! Starting at $0.61 each. . Definitely worth having a look as the designs on their wedding stationery are rather nice.
Good luck finding your free wedding stuff, let me know if this works for you and if it does it would be great if you could
share your free wedding stuff here!
Cheap Wedding Solutions
is being added to all the time, not just by me but lots of you are sharing your great cheap wedding ideas and the best bit is you may win this month's prize by entering your unique cheap wedding idea!
You can keep up to date with the latest updates by looking at my
cheap wedding blog.
Have a look and see what you think, if you have any questions drop me a line on the contact page.
Good luck with your plans!
Feel free to forward this newsletter on to your friends and if you are the friend come and sign up for your own copy. Free Wedding Stuff is definitely worth passing around!
Subscribe here!
More free wedding stuff soon, if you can't wait till then drop by anytime!
Cheap Wedding Solutions
All the best
Suz x
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