Free Wedding Budget & Planner
The economical crisis is bad news for all of us and it means we need to cut back expenses and start thinking how to save our money, not great when you are planning a wedding, but not the end of the world.
To make sure you haven't missed out on any brgains take a look at recent back issues of
Free Wedding Stuff
To make sure you keep your wedding costs within your budget, you need a
free wedding budget sheet
, if you click on the link it will take you to a great free download with every wedding expense you could ever think of! And lots of expenses that you probably don't want as well, just ignore those. The thing I love about this spreadsheet is that you can put in your estimated costs before you go shopping, this way you can get an idea of how much you need to save and how much your wedding will cost. Use
Cheap Wedding Solutions
to work out ways to save yourself money on all areas of your wedding plans.
Use the information in my
wedding planner guide
to make sure you don't miss anything.
As well as looking at your wedding budget to save money, there are ways to save money on items that you need to set up home together apart from your wedding list. I have recently become a fan of
where you can find items for free that other people no longer want, I now have a bike and no longer have a fridge freezer sitting taking up space in the garage. Definately worth signing up to, it's free and who knows what gems you may find!
Cheap Wedding Solutions
is being added to all the time, I have changed the look of the website to make it easier to find all the latest news on how to save money on your wedding plans.
You can keep up to date with the latest updates by looking at my
cheap wedding blog.
Have a look and see what you think, if you have any questions drop me a line on the contact page.
Good luck with your plans!
Feel free to forward this newsletter on to your friends and if you are the friend come and sign up for your own copy. Free Wedding Stuff is definately worth passing around!
Subscribe here!
More free wedding stuff soon, if you can't wait till then drop by anytime!
Cheap Wedding Solutions
All the best
Suz x
PS Due to the economical crisis we all forced to be more careful with our expenses and it might be a good time to start thinking about other streams of income besides your day job. If you want to give someone you care or even yourself a life changing gift that can free you from that day job,
click here
to read my story, how I have built a successful and profitable online business from this "home-made" Web site.
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