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What To Wear At A Hawaiian Wedding

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What to wear at a Hawaiian wedding whether you are the bride, groom, bridesmaid, groomsman or guest is all about dressing for the climate.

Hawaii is on average 80 degrees in the summer and only a couple of degrees cooler during the winter, evening temperatures drop down another 10 degrees. You will be wanting to choose cool clothes, cotton is best and when it comes to Hawaii they definately know how to add the color to your wedding outfit.

Traditional Hawaiian wedding dresses are called holoku and were originally copied from missionary outfits with long sleeves and sensible! Today modern holoku wedding dresses are either strapless or with thin straps and then fitted, they look very similiar to most wedding dresses. The material is normally white with a white pattern or flower embossed onto the dress.

Grooms wear can be casual, either white shirt and white cotton trousers or a traditional Hawaiian shirt to match the bride, you can have both bride and groom's outfits made from the same material.

The same goes for the bridesmaids and the groomsmen, you can have matching Hawaiian shirts and summer dresses. The most popular colors are red, blue, green and yellow.

A lot of brides and grooms choose to wear more formal outfits with a classic white wedding dress for the brides and black tie for the men. It really is whatever you want. Some choose to mix the more informal style of Hawaii with their own traditional wedding dress.

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