How do you plan a wedding on a $2000.00 budget?

by Kelly Nuzum

Me and my fiance are planning on getting married during the summer next year. We will be having 3 bridemaids and 3 groomsmen.

Have already decided to do the invitations and wedding cake myself as well as the food. Decided to have the ceremony and the reception at the church my grandparents attended.

Already have the wedding dress picked out for $100.

Need help with deciding what to do next.

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Hi Kelly

It is a good idea to book the chuch now so you know that you have the date that you wanted and find out how much it will cost.

Next work out your budget less the cost of the church and your wedding dress.

The money that you have left will be for invitations, food, drink, flowers and decorations. Even though you are catering for the wedding yourself there will still be a cost for the food.

Write down your ideal guestlist and from that you will have an idea of numbers and how much the invitation and food and drink costs could be. There are lots of ways to save money on these, have a look at cheap wedding reception ideas.

You may want your groomsmen and bridesmaids to wear a particular color for your wedding - this is much cheaper than buying them outfits that they will only wear once.

Having a color or theme will make making the invitations, cake and decorations much easier.

Good luck with all of your plans


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